For our one word film, we were instructed to create a film in which we could convey the word randomly assigned to us, and to do so without the use of sound. Me and my partner went up and got our word, threatening, and so the creation process begun...
Me and my partner began the brainstorming process, and started jotting down ideas until we found one we felt we could carry out. When we finally found our idea, we created our brainstorming sheet, and drew up a storyboard so we could have it close during filming to ease our process, and help us better visualize the scenes and techniques we would need to use for our project.
For editing, me and my partner decided to keep it old school for our first real edited project, and decided to use iMovie, although I wish we would've used a platform that is more advanced, I am happy with our final product.
In my project, I wish that I had used more advanced camara techniques. movements, and shots in order to give my film a more professional look Simple, stagnant shots limited my projects visual appeal, while techniques like tracking shots, pants, and more creative angels could have added depth. Using more varied camara movements would have made my scenes feel more engaging, and visually interesting.