Sunday, February 16, 2025

Levis Strauss- The genius beyond his amazing fitting jeans

 After doing extensive research on different media theories, as well as their role in film- apart from the media sphere in general, I have landed on including the Binary Opposition theory by Levi Strauss (yes the same guy as the jeans).

The Binary Opposition theory, written by Levi Strauss, states that we understand the world through opposite pairs such as good and evil, light and dark, male and female. It basically means that we, as humans, use opposites a s a way to make sense of things around us. Levi Strauss believed tat our minds organized everything into these pairs, which form the structure behind our culture, language, and myths. As he studies myths from all different cultures around the world, he found that they all shared one common theme, that being that they all shared common opposites like life and death or hero and villain. This theory can be applied in literature, film, as well as all aspects of media to explore overwhelming themes, concepts, and conflicts.

Although extremely prevalent in our media, Strauss' theory is often criticized as many believe it is too simple, and therefore can create stereotypes, such as limiting genders to only male and female. I believe that the Binary Opposition theory helps to analyze stories and culture, when used with caution, to avoid oversimplifying complex ideas.

This theory is also very relevant within my chosen genre (horror films), as opposites such as good and evil, human and monster, and safety and danger create tension and fear. Classic horror movies also often rely on these contrasts in order to build suspense and tell the plotline/storyline.

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