Monday, February 17, 2025

scripting and developing

 Today, me and my group finalized our script for the opening, as well as decided on a name. Throughout the script, we intended to add elements of character development in order to have dimension within our opening. Here's our script:

As you can see, we start it off with the pair being a happy couple, showing no true dimension within the characters. After Jero gets up and goes to the bathroom, seeing the blood, he is quick to jump to the assumption that Natti did something wrong, this shows that Jero, although a loving boyfriend, has held doubts about his girlfriend for a while, further developing the storyline, as well as the character by showing the audience that more past events have made Jero uncomfortable, and led him to doubt his own girlfriend. This develops his character because it shows that he is easily spooked, and shows how much of a naturally skeptic nature he holds.

When it comes to Natis character, once again we see that she starts off as part of a loving couple, something which quickly changes- in a drastic manner. As soon as Jero gets up to go to the bathroom, Nati is fast to go to her kitchen and begin to grand a knife. This shows premonition, and shows an element of her character which we had not been able to see at the beginning, setting up the film for large elements of surprises within natis character, which is all the more surprising when one notices that it is all planned out.

Both characters are given space to develop within this opening, and leave room to develop further during the actual film. Although many elements of character development are shown within the brief 2- minute period within our opening, I believe we left enough space for even more development in our film.

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