Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Group Meeting

 Today, in class we had more group meeting, but this time, to discuss our process with our creative critical reflections. My group was made up of  6 people (including me), of whom only one person had actually began their production process (shoutout to Nicole).

Look at my group below, as we admire McKenna:

 We all mostly discussed our ideas, and in doing so realized that we all more or less wanted to do the same thing, which defeats the "creative" part of a creatieve critical reflection. After discussing different ways to make our CCR's more individual, and personalized to every person, we came up with the following ideas:

1) Absolutely NO! Getting readys ( something which, to be fair, we were warned about by our teacher, but all further realized the extent of its lack of creativity anyways) They are all essentially the same and it becomes repetitive, and at some point, essentially a talking head.

2) No more Vogue copying, something which happened to be a much more common phenomenon then I thought it'd be (Beauty secrets, 73 questions)

3) SO MANY paparazzi and podcast and interviews. So, maybe add an element of creativity if it's going to be done, in order to distinguish your final product.

 Overall, I found this group meeting very helpful, as I always have. I find group meeting are a good way to not just further connect with my classmates, but also to get valuable feedback from people who are in the exact same boat as you, and can understand your struggles. I learned just how common some of my ideas were, and got a better idea of which ones to crap, and which to work on further. 

I feel like I will always enjoy working in groups with my peers, and am glad for the connections and friendships it has brought me.


These are my groups blogs:

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